Abbey studying engineering?
Now that we have someone in office who has young children, maybe we’ll see some action on this: From The New York Times: Studying Engineering Before They Can Spell It
Now that we have someone in office who has young children, maybe we’ll see some action on this: From The New York Times: Studying Engineering Before They Can Spell It
Want to know what happens to some so called recycled computer equipment? Here is an interesting look at what happens to some computer equipment that is shipped over to China, where the toxic components are giving local Chinese people cancer,...
Each year, NORAD tracks Santa’s travels throughout the world. This year, they are integrating with google Earth (which by the way, is the largest time suck you can experience). Google Earth works natively on the Mac, Linux, and Windows. Grab...
I walked about 2.5 miles, in this years Relay for Life. Here are my stats: ( You need to add another 3/4 of a mile, since I was calibrating my iTunes iPod Nike device) Oh, and yes, that 3:17am time...