Starting a new Podcast

I will be producing and composing a Podcast. If you are not familiar with podcasts, have a look here: I plan on putting out a show every other week, or sooner if there is breaking news with information that needs to get out there. I will be targeting home computer users, and technology in general. I will also cover items that will be of use to the “road warrior” and SOHO (Small Office / Home Office) users. I will also be doing computer hardware/software product reviews and other technology product reviews. Some of the product reviews will be geared towards business, and the SOHO user.

I will basically pick a topic that is current, and do a “show” on it. I will be postin gmy podcasts to several of the podcast directories. First, I will start out posting to iTunes, and then if things go well, I will post shows to some of the other podcast directories. I will make the podcast available in both MP3 format, and AAC (enhanced with bookmarks for iPods)

I am currently working on a name and logo for the show. So far, the only name I have come up with is: “Family Tech Hour”. If anyone has any ideas, please send them my way. Also, since I am not very artistic, and logo ideas would be great, too.

Also, if you have a subject you would like covered, feel free to email me, or post in the discussion forums. Since podcasts work the best when listeners submit feedback, I encourage any subject requests. The website should be up shortly, and I will post the URL here as soon as I get things up and running. Each show will have “show notes” that will contain various text based notes about each show, as well as any links associated with the subject of the podcast.

I hope to produce the first show, shortly after the first of the year. Stay tuned..

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