Twitterpated for 2010-02-14

  • Let's go Saints!! #
  • Nice Super Bowl Shuffle parody – great idea! And, for a mobile phone company, who are usually not known for fresh ideas… #
  • Peyton Manning is such a smart player; he always knows when to check off, and what play to call. #
  • Woah – The Who just seems to be a bit off with their timing… #
  • I think the Saints' only hope is to get a ground game going, and keep the ball away from Indy. The Saints really need to control the clock #
  • Almost thought a new National Lampoon's "Vacation" was coming out.. #
  • This game reminds me of the Giants / Bills Superbowl back in 1990 – The Saints needs to control the clock somehow in order to win. #
  • WooHoo! Pick 6!! #
  • Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints!! Still can't believe the on-sides kick. Unbelievable. #
  • WooHoo! Apple released Aperture 3 today – finally has 'faces and places recognition' in it. #
  • The new version of the Dolphin web browser for Android is kickin' Also, much more responsive – two thumbs up 🙂 #
  • Is there a way to mount DFS shares from a Win2k8 machine on a Mac, without forking over more cash for a 3rd party client? #
  • Trying to catch a Google Buzz… Not sure how this will end up. Lots of loyal FB users; but many people complain about FB changing so much. #
  • Long day at work… heading home. Over the past 6 mos. I wish I was an "hourly" emp. #
  • Stop Google Buzz From Showing the World Your Contacts /cc @feedly #

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