Category: Sony

13-year-old Trades iPod For a Walkman For a Week

13-year-old Trades iPod For a Walkman For a Week

Our kids growing up will never know the pain of waiting for a cassette tape to rewind, forward a song, or having to remember to rewind a VHS tape. I thought this story was a good look into what someone...

Sony a hippocrite!

Sony a hippocrite!

So, anyone who reads this knows my take on Sony; I don’t like them anymore. It started with the whole ‘rootkit’ shenanigan: Now, Sony is up to it again, this time they are at the other end of the...

Boycott Sony!

Boycott Sony!

It looks like Sony is up to it’s old ways again, of trying to track what you do on your computer: I don’t know why they keep trying to do this to customers. It is an invasion of privacy...